Depression in many cases the leads people to commit suicide, and even alon causes the life to be very misserable.... However, there are always ways hot to fight and prevent depression and how to be happier!
How to Cope with Depression
There is always hope as there is help available for depression.
Depression is a terrible affliction in our society. Approximately 16% of the population have suffered from depression at least once in their lives and it is expected that by the year 2020, it will be the second leading cause of disability behind heart disease. Although medications are often prescribed to treat depression, you may want to explore other options before taking this route. However, if you are currently suffering acutely, you should not feel as though you need to wait to seek a psychiatrist for a consultation.
1. Determine if you really are depressed, and what the problem is. Do you lack motivation? Do you have trouble enjoying things that you used to? Do you cry a lot? Does it seem that nothing is really worth doing? Do you feel that your life is meaningless? If so, it is possible that are sinking into the psychological quicksand of clinical depression.
2. Get plenty of sleep. In the modern world, there is an increasing problem of people not getting enough sleep. Practice good sleep hygiene and try to get around eight hours. Depression and anxiety of any sort can interfere with sleep, so this may or may not be possible.
3. Get out of bed in the morning. If this is something you are struggling with, ask a friend to call you in the morning to make sure you are awake.
4. Exercise. A recent study showed exercise to be as effective as Zoloft (a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or SSRI) in treating depression. Exercise is very good for body and mind. Depression can make it hard to work up the motivation and energy to do it, but it is well worth a try. You may find long walks easier than other forms of exercise - put one foot in front of the other, and walk as far as you are able. You might work up to even 1 or 2 hours every day, but start off with shorter walks. Even if you can only manage a few minutes to start, that is still a good starting point.
5. Watch your favorite comedy, talk with people who make you laugh, visit your childhood hangouts or do anything that helps you remember happier times.
6. Think about happy thoughts. Focus on the details.
7. Go out and do something you enjoy. Buy yourself something nice, get a new haircut, or eat a good meal.
8. To get your mind off your own problems try to think of some way (big or small) you can help someone else.
9. Meditate. Yoga is useful in fighting depression, and allows you to meet new people. In particular, Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation and relaxation that makes you feel better.
10. Talk to friends or anyone who will give you support. If you're feeling really down, have them make a list of your best qualities.
11. Find positive outlets and channels for your emotions: music, writing, whatever.
12. Don't compare yourself to other people. Compare yourself to you at your lowest point in the past and think about what's better now. Pat yourself on the back for it. If you think you're at your lowest point ever, then imagine one small thing (the tiniest thing you can think of) that you know you can make better. And then move on from there.
13. Don't obsess about it or be hard on yourself if you still feel depressed or aren't happy. Nothing's more depressing than being angry at yourself for being depressed.
14. Change your life. Often times depression results from a deep-rooted desire to be in a different situation than you are right now. If you don't like your parents, move out of your house. If you don't like your city, move to a different one. If you don't like your job, find a new one.
15. Avoid poisonous people. Although you may show your unhappiness by acting depressed, others may reveal it through negativity, treating others badly, exercising power over others, insulting others, etc. Also avoid other depressed people. Depression is contagious. It may be hard to find happy people who are willing to help you out of your funk, but it's worth it.
16. Seek counseling. High school counselors and University counselors are paid the same amount no matter how many people they see, so they have no incentive to keep you coming back to them.
17. Seek medical advice from a trusted family doctor if you have persistent depression. A doctor may prescribe an anti-depressant if appropriate. However, keep in mind that it may be more appropriate to seek the help of a psychiatrist, as family doctors are not as equipped to correctly diagnose and treat clinical depression, or to distinguish between it and disorders which may display similar symptoms but require different treatment.
18. Diet & Nutrion: Ensure that you are including in your diet healthy foods and proper liquids. Too often than not we either neglect eating all together when we are depressed as well as drinking fluids or we eat too much of our favorite manufactured, chemically engineered foods with no nutrional value as well as inadvertantly robbing us of our much needed nutrients to survive all the same with drinking too much of our favorite sodas, coffees, 'fake' juice like drinks or turning to alcohol to ease our depressed mood. The depressed person (testimony of personal experience) doesn't have to make drastic changes to their diet but just adding in a few will make a world of difference and the effects are amazingly positive and instantaneous. Add in some of your favorite fruits or salads. Try ice cold water with a bit of lemon if you have trouble drinking water. Even one glass of water is helpfull and istead of sodas try your favorite sports drink (i.e. Gatorade, Propel, etc.) these alone will replenish your lost electrolytes that your body must have and as mentioned earlier. The results will be instant and you'll be amazed wondering why you didn't do it sooner.
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The mission of this blog is to help people stay away from suicide. We focus on suicide Prevention and we want people to know that LIFE is EVERYTHING!
Suicide Map

Fred Tiencken
Thursday, May 1, 2008
10 reasons not to commit suicide
Suicide is always the last and terminal step. There are many reasons why to stay alive. Here are some of them....listed on "Wings of Support" site.
1. If you’re reading this, there is at least a small part in you that doesn’t want to die. Listen to it, and please read on.
2. Suicide is final – once it's done, there’s no changing your mind. Since you have even the slightest of doubts, you owe it to yourself to stay alive.
3. You can always kill yourself later, why not wait? Even if you wait just one day, you may find a reason not to kill yourself in the meantime.
4. If you’re feeling suicidal, you’re probably in more pain than you know how to handle. There are ways to reduce the pain, and ways to learn to deal with pain. You can learn both - either way things will get better.
5. Just because you’re feeling suicidal doesn’t mean you have to act on that feeling.
6. Consider this – if you’re trying to escape from the pain you are in and seek relief, suicide is not the answer. You cannot feel relief, or anything else for that matter, if you are dead. You must stay alive in order to feel the relief you seek.
7. Often when feeling suicidal you feel alone. You are not alone – you found us didn’t you? Turn to your family or friends or a priest or a rabbi – anyone that will listen. If you don’t know whom to turn to, use the links on the right-hand side of this page to find resources that can help.
8. By terminating your life right now, you terminate your future. Consider this – we create our own future. You have the power to create whatever future you wish for yourself. But you need to be alive in order to have that future.
9. If you’re sensitive enough to be in so much pain that you no longer want to live, you’re probably sensitive enough to care about, and want to help others. Maybe you don’t feel like helping anyone else right now, but why not help yourself? And perhaps by not killing yourself and overcoming your difficulties you can later help someone else who is in a similar situation.
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1. If you’re reading this, there is at least a small part in you that doesn’t want to die. Listen to it, and please read on.
2. Suicide is final – once it's done, there’s no changing your mind. Since you have even the slightest of doubts, you owe it to yourself to stay alive.
3. You can always kill yourself later, why not wait? Even if you wait just one day, you may find a reason not to kill yourself in the meantime.
4. If you’re feeling suicidal, you’re probably in more pain than you know how to handle. There are ways to reduce the pain, and ways to learn to deal with pain. You can learn both - either way things will get better.
5. Just because you’re feeling suicidal doesn’t mean you have to act on that feeling.
6. Consider this – if you’re trying to escape from the pain you are in and seek relief, suicide is not the answer. You cannot feel relief, or anything else for that matter, if you are dead. You must stay alive in order to feel the relief you seek.
7. Often when feeling suicidal you feel alone. You are not alone – you found us didn’t you? Turn to your family or friends or a priest or a rabbi – anyone that will listen. If you don’t know whom to turn to, use the links on the right-hand side of this page to find resources that can help.
8. By terminating your life right now, you terminate your future. Consider this – we create our own future. You have the power to create whatever future you wish for yourself. But you need to be alive in order to have that future.
9. If you’re sensitive enough to be in so much pain that you no longer want to live, you’re probably sensitive enough to care about, and want to help others. Maybe you don’t feel like helping anyone else right now, but why not help yourself? And perhaps by not killing yourself and overcoming your difficulties you can later help someone else who is in a similar situation.
Still with me? Good!
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